2013年10月25日 星期五

In Defense of Anarchism

這次談Robert Paul WolffIn Defense of Anarchism,全書主題是探討moral autonomy與political authority是否相容。作者認為政治就是行使權力及試圖影響它的過程,而政治哲學可說就是政府(state)的哲學,政府是指︰


a group of persons who have supreme authority within a given territory or over a certain population (p. 4)


在此authority是指“right to command, and correlatively, the right to be obeyed”,這與權力(power)有別,power僅是“ability to compel the use or the threat of force”authority則可以有兩種含意,normative意義的authority指的是擁有“the right to be obeyed”,以descriptive意義的authority則是有authority的聲稱受服從的人認同。由此可引申出政府的兩種概念︰

  1. the state may be defined as a group of persons who are acknowledged to have supreme authority within a territory – acknowledged, that is, 'by those over whom the authority is asserted. (descriptive)

研究這種政府概念屬政治科學範疇,研究對象是實際政府(de facto states)的形式、特徵、建制及功能。

  1. the state is a group of persons who have the right to exercise supreme authority within a territory (prescriptive/ normative)

研究這種政府概念則屬政治哲學範疇,以發現、分別及展示合法性權威(legitimate authority)的形式與原則,本書研究屬此一範疇。


權威命令(authoritative command)是指其命令本身就令人有責任遵從,而非因為其他道德法規或利益計算使人遵從。人們認同權威可以是因為傳統力量、領導者非凡魅力與既有規則所定,但這些都不是人們理應(ought to)認同聲稱最高權威(supreme authority)的意見。


政治哲學要回答的問題就是,在何種情況下一個人對其他人有最高權威?換句話說,在何種情況下normative概念的政府能夠存在?作者認為應以deduction of the concept of the state的方法回答此問題︰


when the concept in question is nonempirical, its deduction must proceed in a different manner. All normative concepts are nonempirical, for they refer to what ought to be rather than to what is. Hence, we cannot justify the use of the concept of (normative) supreme authority by presenting instances. We must demonstrate by an a priori argument that there can be forms of human community in which some men have a moral right to rule. In short, the fundamental task of political philosophy is to provide a deduction of the concept of the state (p. 8).

簡言之,政治哲學需要找出政府先驗的存在理據,作者指出不能觀察實際權威來找出legitimate authority的存在條件,因為人們可以因以下原因服從政府︰

  1. the commanded subjects already have their independent obligation

  2. evil consequences of defiance far outweigh the indignity of submission

  3. beneficent effects of government command

這些個人及利害考慮與legitimate authority要求命令本身就帶有遵從責任無關︰


Obedience is not a matter of doing what someone tells you to do. It is a matter of doing what he tells you to do because he tells you to do it. Legitimate, or de jure, authority thus concerns the grounds and sources of moral obligation (p. 9).


作者也指,即使發現de jure state並不成立,依然可以提問有關個人與de facto state關係的道德問題,構成決疑論政治學(casuistical politics),內容包括但不限於︰

  1. moral principles which ought to guide the state in its lawmaking

  2. under what conditions it is right for the individual to obey the laws

  3. social ideals of equality and achievement

  4. the principles of punishment

  5. the justifications for war

但這不是本書探討內容,本書討論的正是de jure state是否成立。


作者繼續說明autonomy的概念。道德哲學的基礎假設,是人為其行動負責,負責(taking responsibility)是指︰


attempting to determine what one ought to do, that lays upon one the additional burdens of gaining knowledge, reflecting on motives, predicting outcomes, criticizing principles, etc. (p. 12)




自主(autonomous)則是指自我立法而負責的人作道德判斷,moral autonomy就是一個人對自己行動負全責的狀態。因為其行動的責任來自其選擇能力,一個人不能放棄責任而只能拒絕承認它,即使他選擇盲目遵從他人命令,他仍要為自己的行動負責。嚴格來說,對一個自主的人而言命令並不存在,因為他所有行動都不是因為依從他人,而是經過自己深思熟慮︰


so long as we recognize our responsibility for our actions, and acknowledge the power of reason within us, we must acknowledge as well the continuing obligation to make ourselves the authors of such commands as we may obey (p. 17).



If all men have a continuing obligation to achieve the highest degree of autonomy possible, then there would appear to be no state whose subjects have a moral obligation to obey its commands. Hence, the concept of a de jure legitimate state would appear to be vacuous, and philosophical anarchism would seem to be the only reasonable political belief for an enlightened man (p. 19).



men cannot be free so long as they are subject to the will of others, whether one man ( a monarch) or several ( aristocrats ) . But if men rule themselves, if they are both law-givers and law-obeyers, then they can combine the benefits of government with the blessings of freedom. Rule for the people is merely benevolent slavery, but rule by the people is true freedom. Insofar as a man participates in the affairs of state, he is ruler as well as ruled…

The government of a democratic state is then, strictly speaking, no more than a servant of the people as a whole, charged with the execution of laws which have been commonly agreed upon (p. 21-22).


作者提出,無異議直接民主(unanimous direct democracy)能夠令authorityautonomy一致,因為所有法律都由人民一致同意︰


Under unanimous direct democracy, every member of the society wills freely every law which is actually passed. Hence, he is only confronted as a citizen with laws to which he has consented. Since a man who is constrained only by the dictates of his own will is autonomous, it follows that under the directions of unanimous direct democracy, men can harmonize the duty of autonomy with the commands of authority.

Each man, in a manner of speaking, encounters his better self in the form of the state, for its dictates are simply the laws which he has, after due deliberation, willed to be enacted (p. 23).


這種無異議直接民主甚至能在尖銳及暴力爭議中出現,只要所有民眾一致同意解決這種爭議的手段及法律,作者指John Rawls的“justice as fairness”就是這種例子。在實際情況中,無異議直接民主可以出現在以下兩種情況中︰

  1. community of persons inspired by some all-absorbing religious or secular ideal

  2. a community of rationally self-interested individuals may discover that it can only reap the fruits of cooperation by maintaining unanimity (classical laissez-faire economy ruled by the laws of the market place)



無異議直接民主在以下兩種情況難以維持,一,當異議出現;二、社會成長至無法方便召開定期公民大會的規模,傳統民主理論對兩者的解決方法分別是多數原則(majority rule)及代議制(representation),作者繼而檢視這兩項解決方法會否令authority





代議制如果僅是委託他人在議會表達自己的意向,即嚴格代理制(strict agency),那就不會影響autonomy,因為公民仍是遵守由他同意的規則。然而嚴格代理制難以廣泛推行,因為議題可能在代理人選舉時無法預計,代理人也不可能每次投票都回到選區詢問公民意向︰


Unless there is to be a recall election on the occasion of each unforeseen deliberation, the citizens will be forced to choose as their representative a man whose general "platform" and political bent suggests that he will, in the future, vote as they imagine they would themselves, on issues which neither the citizens nor the representative yet have in mind (p. 29).



So long as I do not, either in person or through my agent, join in the enactment of the laws by which I am governed, I cannot justly claim to be autonomous (p. 30).

代議制的基礎假設在於每位公民都有機會透過其選票表達其意向,然而,當選舉時議題眾多,意向組合數目多於候選人數目,公民就無法找到代表自己意向的候選人。作者舉例指如果在選舉時有四項議題,而每項議題分別有3423種取態,總計就有3 x 4 x 2 x 3 = 72種意向組合。屬意某些意向組合的公民,可能無法在候選人中找到其意向代理人,更不用說在議會中代理他︰


If a citizen cannot even find a candidate whose views coincide with his own, then there is no possibility at all that he will send to the parliament a genuine representative (p. 32).



a political community which conducted its business by means of "instant direct democracy" would be immeasurably closer to realizing the ideal of genuine democracy than we are in any so-called democratic country today (p. 36).



The initial response to a system of instant direct democracy would be chaotic, to be sure. But very quickly, men would learn what is now manifestly not true-that their votes made a difference in the world, an immediate, visible difference. There is nothing which brings on a sense of responsibility so fast as that awareness (p. 36).

Can anyone deny that instant direct democracy would generate a degree of interest and participation in political affairs which is now considered impossible to achieve? (p. 37)

雖然作者認為這種方式比現時美國的代議制理想,但它也與unanimous direct democracy的理想有差距,因為它也是以majority rule來解決分歧。作者接下來討論的就是majority rule有何問題。






As justifications for an individual's autonomous decision to cooperate with the state, they may be perfectly adequate; but as demonstrations of the authority of the state – as proofs, that is, of the right of the state to command the individual and of his obligation to obey, whatever may be commanded – they fail completely…

A man might find that his affairs flourished in a dictatorship or monarchy, and even that the welfare of the people as a whole was effectively advanced by the policies of such a state (p. 40).



A promise to abide by the will of the majority creates an obligation, but it does so precisely by giving up one's autonomy (p. 41).

the citizens have created a legitimate state at the price of their own autonomy! They have bound themselves to obey laws which they do not will, and indeed even laws which they vigorously reject. Insofar as democracy originates in such a promise, it is no more than voluntary slavery (p. 42)




  1. No idea on future outcomes

  2. Equally promising alternatives

  3. rewards or burdens are to be distributed among equally deserving (or undeserving ) citizens, and the nature of the item to be distributed makes it impossible to divide it and parcel out equal shares

例如必須有一半公民從軍,用抽籤決定誰去從軍就是合適做法。在上述情況下,當所有公民一致同意採用隨機方法決策,autonomy不會受損,因為autonomy的條件是“utilizing all available information for decision”,而不是必然作出結果正確的決定。




Briefly, there is a fundamental difference between those obstacles to decision which are outside our control, such as ignorance, and those obstacles which are at least theoretically within our control, such as psychological conflict (in the individual) or disagreement (in the society as a whole) . Whereas we have no reason to think that we could ever completely overcome natural obstacles, even in an ideal society, we must suppose that some method exists for resolving conflicts among rational men of good will which allows them to concert their activities without forfeiting their autonomy. The general adoption of decision by lot would violate the autonomy of the citizens (pp. 47-48).

接著作者檢視盧梭(Rousseau)在《社會契約論》對多數決定規則的辯論,盧梭認為法律的legitimacy在於它是general willgeneral will就是指向general good而不是個別個體的特殊利益︰


It is Rousseau's claim that when a political community deliberates together on the general good and embodies its deliberations in general laws, it thereby acquires legitimate authority over all the members of the deliberating body, or parliament. Thenceforward, each member of the society has a moral obligation to obey the laws which have been willed by the collectivity (p. 49).

盧梭表明多數決定的法律不因為某種協定(promise)legitimate,他指出多數決定的法律legitimate是因為它反映general will


When any law is proposed to the assembly of the people, the question is not precisely to enquire whether they approve the proposition or reject it, but if it is conformable or not to the general will, which is their will. Each citizen, in giving his suffrage, states his mind on that question; and the general will is found by counting the votes. When, therefore, the motion which I opposed carries, it only proves to me that I was mistaken, and that what I believed to be the general will was not so (p. 50, Book IV of Social Contract).


  1. 手段與可能目的不符

  2. 相關知識是可以學習的

  3. 在有更多知識後會改進行動

盧梭的假設是公民大會參與者試圖以法律追尋general good,並探求在此情況下通過的法律是否legitimate。更進一步的問題是,這種理論應用範圍有多大。盧梭認為檢視法律形式是否恰當及追尋general good是可客觀確認的,最後他的推論是︰


He thinks, finally, that the proper test of these matters is a vote, in which the majority must inevitably be correct. Hence, when a member of the assembly "gives his suffrage," he is not expressing his preference, but rather offering his opinion on the character of the proposed law...

Since the majority are always right, a member of the minority will by that fact be revealed as supporting inappropriate means to his own end in short, the minority are like the individual who dashes for the wrong train, or the intern who prescribes the wrong treatment (p. 54).

作者指這裏的明顯錯誤在於,盧梭無理由地假定多數對general good的意見總是正確。如果general good的性質是基於知識,那就毫無理由假定多數人對於general good的意見一定正確,因為少數人也可能擁有超凡知識,比其他人更了解general good。作者表示盧梭這種毫無理由的假定可能是因為他有兩種混淆,一是混淆試圖指向general good的公民大會與實際出現的公民大會;二是混淆「你偏好哪項法律」、「哪項法律偏向general good」,與實際發生的「哪項選擇會勝出」︰

  1. Confusion of assembly attempting to aim at general good and the one which actually succeeds

    1. Three possible conditions of the assembly:

      1. the citizenry may vote on the basis of private interest, in which case they are not even attempting to realize the general good (“aggregate will”)

      2. the people may strive to achieve the general good, but choose poor laws because of their ignorance, or simply the unpredictability of important aspects of the problems which they face

      3. the assembly of the people may aim at the general good and hit it (only this, if happens in all cases, has authority in Rousseau argument)

  2. Only concern two questions “Which law do you prefer?” and “Which law tends to the general good?”, but not the third, “Which alternative will win?”

    1. If majority must be correct, then the vote becomes a prediction of choices to prevail but not for general good

作者總結多數決定規則似乎未能調和moral autonomy與legitimate authority,這並不是否認有其他理由支持當代先進工業社會實行民主,而是沒有先驗理由一定如此︰


Modern interest-group democracy is, under some circumstances, an effective means of reducing frustrations, or at least of reducing the connection between frustration and political disaffection. But many other forms of political organization might accomplish this result, such as benevolent autocracy or charismatic dictatorship. If democracy is to make good its title as the only morally legitimate form of politics, then it must solve the problem of the heteronomous minority (p. 58).

接著作者又以附錄方式說明,多數決定規則本身就是非理性(irrational)的。理性的基礎是內在一致(internal consistency),簡言之,如果偏好A多於B,偏好B多於C,那就一定是偏好A多於C。無異議直接民主能夠做到這點,因為政府執行所有人都同意的決定,但多數決定規則就不一定如此,由理性個人組成的群體,依據多數規則可以造成內在不一致的團體偏好。作者舉例有三個人12與3,有三個方案AB與C,三個人的偏好分別是ABCBCA與CAB,當AB比較時,A有兩票、B有一票,偏好ABC比較時,B有兩票、C有一票,偏好BCA比較時,C有兩票、A有一票,偏好C,結果就是內在不一致。假如方案是逐個投票,依據提案次序選出的方案就會不一樣,作者說︰


That would be like saying that I prefer chocolate ice cream to vanilla when I am offered chocolate first, but prefer vanilla to chocolate when I am offered vanilla first! (p. 63)



there is some one-dimensional array of all the alternatives, on which each individual can locate his first choice, and which has the property that for every individual, the farther to the right an alternative is from his first choice, the less he prefers it, and the farther to the left an alternative is from his first choice, the less he prefers it (p. 64)

但問題在於每個人對不同方案並不一定有同樣先後次序,作者舉例指假設有三個人,分別是conservativewelfare-state liberalsocialist,而他們對三種社會制度laissez-faire capitalismwelfare-state liberalismsocialism的偏好如下︰


conservative: laissez-faire capitalism, welfare-state liberalism, socialism

welfare-state liberal: welfare-state liberalism, socialism, laissez-faire capitalism

socialist: socialism, laissez-faire capitalism, welfare-state liberalism




無異議直接民主雖然令autonomyauthority一致,但應用範圍有限,也不能解決分歧,多數決定規則令少數不再自由,屈從於多數,也就是我們無法找到能結合moral autonomylegitimate authority的政治組織。作者補充,這項發現與以下的情況無關︰

  1. imperfect rationality of men

  2. the passions and private

  3. limitations of intellect and knowledge

因為即使在烏托邦社會,每個人都有良好意願與理性,autonomyauthority依然對立,"the just state must be consigned the category of the round square, the married bachelor, and the unsensed sense-datum"



  1. embrace philosophical anarchism and treat all governments as non-legitimate bodies whose commands must be judged and evaluated in each instance before they are obeyed

  2. give up as quixotic the pursuit of autonomy in the political realm and submit ourselves (by an implicit promise) to whatever form of government appears most just and beneficent at the moment (p. 71)



It is out of the question to give up the commitment to moral autonomy. Men are no better than children if they not only accept the rule of others from force of necessity, but embrace it willingly and forfeit their duty unceasingly to weigh the merits of the actions which they perform (p. 72).

因此唯一選擇就是否定任何authority的聲稱,“There would appear to be no alternative but to embrace the doctrine of anarchism and categorically deny any claim to legitimate authority by one man over another.”




The state is a social institution, and therefore no more than the totality of the beliefs, expectations, habits, and interacting roles of its members and subjects. When rational men, in full knowledge of the proximate and distant consequences of their actions, determine to set private interest aside and pursue the general good, it mustbe possible for them to create a form of association which accomplishes that end without depriving some of them of their moral autonomy. The state, in contrast to nature, cannot be ineradicably other (p. 78).

但作者接受自己的驗證,並詢問沒有legitimate authority社會怎樣達至足夠社會合作水平。他首先指出要達至足夠社會合作水平的原因是︰

  1. collective pursuit of some external national goal

  2. collective pursuit of some internal goal which requires the organization and coordination of the activities of large numbers of people

  3. maintenance of our industrial economy whose functional differentiation and integration are advanced enough to sustain an adequately high level of production



Only extreme economic decentralization could permit the sort of voluntary economic coordination consistent with the ideals of anarchism and affluence. At the present time, of course, such decentralization would produce economic chaos, but if we possessed a cheap, local source of power and an advanced technology of small-scale production, and if we were in addition willing to accept a high level of economic waste, we might be able to break the American economy down into regional and subregional units of manageable size…

But in return for this price, men would have increasing freedom to act autonomously. In effect, such a society would enable all men to be autonomous agents, whereas in our present society, the relatively few autonomous men are-as it were-parasitic upon the obedient, authority-respecting masses (pp. 81-82).



On the side of pure theory, I have been forced to assume a number of very important propositions about the nature, sources, and limits of moral obligation. To put it bluntly, I have simply taken for granted an entire ethical theory. On the side of practical application, I have said almost nothing about the material, social, or psychological conditions under which anarchism might be a feasible mode of social organization (p. xxvii).

作者在新版前言稱本書符合羅素(Bertrand Russell)指的"ideal form of a work in philosophy": "It should begin with propositions no one would question and conclude with propositions no one would accept." 他也指出本書結論指autonomyauthority不相容的意義在於︰


To recognize this truth is both liberating and sobering: liberating because it frees us from the illusion that with sufficient analytical skill, we can somehow hit upon a scheme that will appeal to all rational persons of good will; sobering because it requires each of us honestly to acknowledge the nature of his or her commitments and interests, and not to hide behind false claims of objectivity. The simple fact is that genuine direct unanimous self-legislation is the foundation of the truly legitimate state, and every other political arrangement is a compromise covertly or overtly designed to aid some interests in society and frustrate others (p. xxi).

If Political Theory is the search for the fundamental principles of legitimate authority, as I suggested in the opening pages of In Defense of Anarchism, then Political Theory is dead. In its place you must put political action, guided by reason and directed toward those collective goals to which you and your comrades have committed yourselves. If you have no comrades, then neither this little book nor anything else can help you (p. xxv).


